Bridging Science and Photography in Madagascar – by Arnaud De Grave / Heso Magazine

BOP member Arnaud De Grave (with the scientist Patrick O. Waeber) has published on the excellent Heso Magazine an article about the AlaRela project in NRM (natural resources management)  they ran in Madagascar in the region of Alaotra.

In brief, this research aims to provide tools to the various stakeholders of the Alaotra human-environment system to strike a balance in the governance between development (or agricultural production thereof) and conservation (there are crucial ecosystems for biodiversity and people).

[ click here to read the full article on Heso Magazine ]

Arnaud is detailing in this article an innovative approach to disseminate such research using Art. He was embedded as a photographer in the project team, on site and spent extensive time with locals, building a different point of view, enriching the project.

The final outcome for the photography part of this project is a transdisciplinary exhibition, coupling photography and environmental sciences, in various locations.