The hunt for the dudes and dudettes…

A first of May in Kobenhavn… One camera, one film, one day… many beers and one sausage! The first of May is quite an institution in Copenhagen, this year it was sunny (after a couple of years of rainy firsts of May) and people poured in the streets and slowly (or not) converged toward Faelledparken to participate in whatever activities there were there: beer of course, sausage for sure, some music, lots of political discussions (mixed with lots of beer, I let you imagine…) and stuff. I went hunting for dudes and dudettes…

Every street has a story to tell…

This exhibition will hopefully tell that Asian streets have many stories to tell. The stories they tell might be true, they also might be pure fiction. There might not be any obvious story. I am but a chronicler, a mere scribe. Does one really care? Isn’t it as true as we like it to be? The streets are the roots of all evil, err, sorry, of all street-photography. Many shots were made at night (“It was a dark and stormy night…” of course), but many shots were also made during the day. Some in a rush, some just before running…

LabiChampi in Karosta, Latvia

Imagine a bunch of artist-architects… Now imagine an old Russian navy base, turned into some sort of ghetto in Latvia… Now continue imagining these people taking care of modifying some destroyed buildings into an art centre… And to top that all, imagine an orthodox cathedral beaming in the evening light. I have to admit I got pretty excited by the surrounding there!!! For more informations about the project please visit the EXYZT website if you dare. They are an artistico-architectico collective, or something like that… And they are insane. That’s all I’m saying, and I certainly *do* respect that!!!