New travelogue : The Stenopex Week-end (a pinhole photography experience in Italy by Th (Arnaud Thurel))

Th (Arnaud Thurel) has just published We have a new travelogue! More than a story, this is a making-off of one of the chapter of his series “Lost places” accomplished during a week-end with his team in Italy. Arnaud Thurel (Th) vient de publier un nouveau récit de voyage. Plus qu’un travelogue, c’est le making-off d’un des chapitres de sa série “Lost places” réalise en Italie durant un week-end avec son équipe. The travelogue is in French.

India - Shillong

Life and faces of eastern India – a double exhibition by Hern and YuB

Our fellow members, Chris (YuB) and Arnaud (hern42) have reached by chance the Indian territories near the Bangladesh border. It was not their initial plan, but from this unexpected trip, they bring a very powerful double exhibition. By following these two links [ YuB’s gallery and hern42’s gallery ] you will discover two visions of the same reality, you will enter the life of some little known areas of India. While Chris is drawing close portraits in delicate gray tones, Arnaud is bringing us in the heart of street life, playing with contrasts, focus, shadows and smokes. These two exhibitions…