Photo Analogies #2 Cover

Photo Analogies Magazine Issue #2 is finaly OUT !

We are proud to present the second issue of our magazine. Everything has been done to keep the same price as the first issue with the double of content and the same printing quality ! We have listened to your feedback : this issue is 100% bilingual English / French with less text more photos and of course still 100% analog !

It has been professionally printed […]

Festival 12×12 : Myanmar, the new cradle of AIDS in asia – exhibition by Chris Huby

BOP has the pleasure to announce the new personal exhibition of his member Chris Huby. During the 12×12 festival in Paris, he will exhibit a documentary work about Myanmar northern regions which are still ruled by the military regime. In these areas, the poverty is extreme and population suffers from the outbreak of AIDS resulting directly from illegal opium traffic. This exhibition was produced in partnership with HAYTHAM Pictures, BOP & Photoquiparle. Place:  Mairie du 12e arrondissement. 130 Av Daumesnil. 75012 Paris / Metro Dugommier – Vélib : 212 rue de Charenton. Dates: from 26 sept to 7 oct /…