We have the pleasure to announce that our new publication, “BOP Photo Analogies” is now out of the press!
Author: Barthélémy Longueville
Taking pictures, that's traveling around the world, carrying a notebook and a bunch of film rolls. That's the feeling of the old metal skin of my cameras. That's waiting for a picture to be revealed in the darkroom, remembering the sound of the shutter and bringing back all the universe when the picture was taken, faces, clouds, pieces of sky, unknown objects...
I shot my first 10 rolls of film in China, last century. Probably there is the root of my path with photography. I cannot say this is the origin of all my inspiration but for sure these first films had a huge foot print. Since that time, I like walking anywhere with a camera, opening my eyes, driven by the environment. Sometimes it is even simply for the pleasure to discover, taking picture is an attempt to preserve a specific stream of feelings. That special instant when the shutter is released and the image start its life in my memory is often more important than the result itself. The photographs I like are carrying an atmosphere, a whole small world.
I am proud to be part of BOP. Not only because our fellow members share a passion for analog cameras but because we like to spend the necessary time for things to be done and seen. We are not really working in the instant, we simply like to take our time and slowly prepare our exhibitions, from the first idea, the shooting, the processing, to the selection and exchanges with the other members.
Unexpected interview of hern42
For some unfathomable reason, Arnaud De Grave (aka hern42) has been interviewed on Photoindra.blog – (link, in Russian! What were the odds of *that* happening?). Yes! We also have Russian fans, albeit in Panama. Don’t ask…
Arnaud De Grave (hern42) featured in Branchlines Magazine
Our fellow member, Arnaud De Garve (aka Hern) has been featured in the magazine of the faculty of forestry of the University of British Columbia. Following his exhibition on extreme tree planting, one of his photo has been selected as cover and he got an article published in this issue.