BOP is an association registered in France. Our target is to promote and support artistic creation, especially photography. We aim at organizing exhibitions, events and edit publications and online site webs to help our members to distribute their work gain visibility.
We are non profit organization which means that 100% of the benefits we get from the sales of our publications or other products in 100% used to run the collective.
BOP has been officially declared in 2004 in Paris and is now relocated in Grenoble France. Please contact us to get our registration information, yearly report of activity and current organization and board members.
Our headquarters are located in France : Association BOP, 37 Lotissement Champ du Bourg, 38570 Goncelin, France
Our SIRET # is : 750 863 474 00011
(*) The french law governing such organisation is the famous “Loi 1901“.