(Click on the image to get the free PDF file – travelogue edition)
Author: Barthélémy Longueville
three hours and thirty five minutes [ Night Shanghai – 夜上海 ]
A journey in the night of Shanghai Out from Huahai road metro station in Shanghai center, I walked toward south-east. It was 7:30pm and I had already entered the old Shanghai maze, Nanshi district. At this time of the day, a special life is raising, it’s a transition between the end of the sunlight and the deep night, the restaurants serve their last customers, people are doing their last shopping, face are tired after a long day. On the other hand, night shops start their business and hair salon never stop. With the night, I disappeared in the shadows,…
I’ve been travelling in China more or less for ten years now and to celebrate this anniversary, nothing could be better than a new BOP exhibition.
My two previous exhibitions in BOP deal with two different topics but they express my feelings as a foreigner in this country.
They reflect my surprises, my view, and my thoughts. To end this first decade of Chinese experience, I wanted to give another insight on this country. Would it be possible to show China as the Chinese actually see their country? As a foreigner, when I take portraits or landscape views, most of the time, the framing, timing, focus, and subject are mine; they are the result of my own agenda.